For a reputable Health care Provider hiring the following positions
- IT Hardware support with following criteria
1- Education: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or any relevant field
2- Experience: proven 2+ years of solid experience within the same position ( preferred in hospitals with large servers)
3- Age: Max age 28 years
4- Skills:
Language: English (very good)
Interpersonal: team player
Communication, problem solving.
- IT Senior Hardware with following criteria
1- Education: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or any relevant field
2- Experience: proven 7+ years of solid experience within the same position (preferred in hospitals with large servers)
3- Training: MICTP, CCNA
4- Skills:
Language: English (very good)
Interpersonal:leadership, Analytical thinking, communication, problem solving
Send your C.V to
- IT Hardware support with following criteria
1- Education: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or any relevant field
2- Experience: proven 2+ years of solid experience within the same position ( preferred in hospitals with large servers)
3- Age: Max age 28 years
4- Skills:
Language: English (very good)
Interpersonal: team player
Communication, problem solving.
- IT Senior Hardware with following criteria
1- Education: Bachelor degree in Computer Science or any relevant field
2- Experience: proven 7+ years of solid experience within the same position (preferred in hospitals with large servers)
3- Training: MICTP, CCNA
4- Skills:
Language: English (very good)
Interpersonal:leadership, Analytical thinking, communication, problem solving
Send your C.V to
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